Kick start shell ebration

Today i got bored and wanted to do nothing then I realized I have to do  Summer learning journey I hop on my pc and went to the website and seeing task was already uploaded from the website. Today task was talking about Sea shell and they are my favorite because some of you blow and they create a horn which can give people a shock. Here is my drawing about sea shell. What do you think it is?







Chip logo Step it up

In this task I was told to create a logo that was suitable for the menu, While creating the logo I was thinking about What needed to be done so that the logo would be perfect. In this logo there is chips, fried fish, lemon and sour and cream just like the original. How would you rate out of ten?


Fish and chips Kick Start

In this task we learned about the history of fish and chips and create a menu about fish and chips. My favorite about learning about the history of Fish and chips is it the first name that Charles Dicken called it ” Fried Fish Warehouse “and it was introduce in 1839 in England. I hope you enjoyed my menu. Why did Charles Dicken name it Fried Fish Warehouse ?



Narwhal and Beluga card

After researching the Narwhal I was ready to moved on to the next activity, coming across the beluga I thought it was a name which is the airbus Beluga. I research and the plane was name after the whale. I research more about the beluga whale and to my surprise it always grinning just like me. Come and check out my cards!


Narwhal Kick Start

In this task we were told to learn about Narwhal. Narwhals are one my favorite animal in my list, My favorite part of the Narwhal is the tusk , The tusk can grow up to 10 feet ( 10 Feet ) and the color Newborns are Blue and Gray, Juvenile are blue and black adults are molted Black.  Want to check out more facts? Check out this poster.

Bulls sharks

Coming across this activity it gave me an idea and research the bull shark. Bulls shark can litter 1- 13 pups and made a inspiration to Steven Spielberg by it jaws. Here is my mask about bull sharks:

Wavey word Kick start

Back in my country I really enjoyed swimming in the sea because my country was a tropical country so coming across this task was easy for me. As I was doing this task my history recalls to me because some of the history  like the what happen in Pearl harbor. How many words can name related to the ocean?


Japenese Pufferfish Kick start

When I was little I loved to eat Japanese Pufferfish until 10 I decided stop and read about them . around 3-4 people can die causing eating them. As I was growing up and came to Japan to check out my dad’s friend, he was hospitalized in the hospital. When I discovered this task I was really excited to read and recreate the Japanese Pufferfish ( Fugu) . Would you eat Fugu ?


Cross word Step it up

After finishing the kick start and moving on to the step it up I felt more challenging since I have to find definition, putting in to make a good sense so the solver can solve the puzzle harder. In this puzzle there are  10 facts about the Grey White shark. For example a Grey White shark has 300 triangular teeth, this fact can be useful because it can give a clue to the solver. Can you solve this puzzle?


Word Kick start

Some puzzle are hard and some puzzles are easy and I made them not hard nor easy. This puzzle is about Models of Ship in a bottle the word Ship in a bottle can give you a clue about the puzzle. Good Luck !

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