Snowflakes falling, the sky is black. I skip through the peaceful, empty snowy town. Something catches my eye in the distance. I look around and see  no one, the town is empty. Running towards it without catching  any attention on the missing poster. Yet I arrived and I couldn’t believe my eyes. It was a Blackboard coated with a name, Luckily there was a space for me. Eyes were scattering for pieces of chalk, Bingo!Blending in with the snow down the empty snowy  mountain.


Chalk squeaks while I write my name on the board. I stop stepping back hearing the crunchy noise under my feet. I  inspect my name, freezing myself, taking a breath and saying “What a beauty!” Dropping the chalk it rolls away down the path. From the back of my ear I hear a  mechanical noise. The noise tears my ear apart and takes my attention. I don’t know what to do.  I turn around and see a doll in the window of a shop. It is a duplication of me, the only difference is it is a doll made out of wood. Stepping forward to get a better view I look around to see  other dolls in the shop. I look back but the doll was gone. My heart starts to rise and my spirit is low. In no time I scan around to find the doll . Finally, there it is.


I swing my hand on to the door without any concern, using my strength to grab the handle and try to open it. I fail. I tried another way but it won’t budge.  I scrunch up a snowball using all my might throwing it at the door. It explodes with a bang. I stomp my feet and walk away in anger .


I  hear a creaking sound from behind me.  Turning around I see my dreams come true. I run as fast  I can to the door. I enter the shop and looking around I see nothing but dolls, some have only one eye and some have umbrellas in their hands. 


It turns out nothing is more interesting than my doll. Walking towards the doll with a smile on my face I suddenly stumble on a boy on a tricycle pedalling like the speed of a plane taking off from a runway. Picking up the boy gently and putting him down he slams into the door like he wants to get out. The door was closed. Back looking at my doll, it has again disappeared. “There it is,”  I say out loud. This naughty little 

doll, how would you escape from your master. I climb up the green- olive-coloured couch, biting off the mitten on my hand.


I grab at the doll and suddenly I can hear screaming and babies flying everywhere. I have  turned into a doll, my view is now  like looking through a fish lens. I say to myself  “how can they be so mean to children?”  What did the children do to the shopkeeper that has made him so mad?


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